Berry - Free Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template

Berry Free HTML template

Berry Free Bootstrap Admin Template stands out from other admin templates available in the market with its highly stylized design and feature-rich pages and components. The developers of Berry put emphasis on both performance and design during the development process. The team conducted various testing and code optimization processes to achieve this, resulting in a performance and design-centric backend application. Berry dashboard template offers a wide selection of pre-built admin template layouts, providing users with the best selection of backend template options for their projects. The code is error-free, well-structured, and well-commented, making it easy to customize. Regular updates ensure that the code is always up-to-date with the latest features and standards. Berry also excels in terms of performance, with fast rendering in all major browsers. It scores well on Google Page Speed, Pingdom, and gtMetrix, and the code adheres to w3 standards. The admin panel is fully responsive and has been tested on all retina devices. Additionally, Berry provides multiple choices of widgets, chart icons, and many other features to support users' needs, all presented in a pleasant and appealing color combination.

Berry Template features

Berry Free Bootstrap Admin Template stands out from other admin templates available in the market with its highly stylized design and feature-rich pages and components. Created by: codedthemes


Berry template has a fully responsive layout with valid and clean HTML5 and CSS3 code. It has HTML tables formatted in CSS, well-designed Charts, smooth animations on Scroll, built in Contact Form, gallery section for photos, icon font support, built in preloader, pricing table section, retina ready design, sticky header on scrolling, and also performance optimized and cross Browser compatible layouts.

▪ Tables
▪ Charts
▪ Form elements
▪ Animations
▪ Contact Form
▪ Gallery
▪ Icons
▪ Preloader
▪ Pricing table
▪ Retina ready
▪ Sticky header
▪ Card style design
▪ Colorful design
▪ Flat design
▪ Responsive design
Szabolcs Bakos UI/UX designer

This template is reviewed by Szabolcs Bakos. I am a freelance Web (UI/UX) designer.
You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or My website.

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