Coming Soon - Free Bootstrap Coming Soon HTML template

Coming Soon Free HTML template

ComingSoon is an outstanding free HTML website template that has been designed to give your website a professional look while it is still under development. It is fully responsive and adapts seamlessly to any device screen size. This template is specifically designed for creating a coming soon page and comes with a countdown timer and an about section to keep your visitors informed about the progress of your site. The creative and simple design of Coming Soon template gives your website a polished and modern feel, and it is easy to customize thanks to its clean and commented HTML code. Whether you're a novice or an experienced developer, this free HTML template can be easily modified to meet your specific needs.

Coming Soon Template features

ComingSoon free HTML website template is a fully responsive coming soon template that comes with a countdown timer and an about section. Created by:


Coming Soon template has a fully responsive layout with valid and clean HTML5 and CSS3 code. It has smooth animations on Scroll, built in Contact Form, icon font support, and also performance optimized and cross Browser compatible layouts.

▪ Form elements
▪ Animations
▪ Contact Form
▪ Icons
▪ Dark design
▪ Parallax scrolling
▪ Responsive design
Szabolcs Bakos UI/UX designer

This template is reviewed by Szabolcs Bakos. I am a freelance Web (UI/UX) designer.
You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or My website.

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