Lazy Kit - Free HTML UI Kit

Lazy Kit Free HTML template

Lazy Kit is a comprehensive design system and free Bootstrap 4 UI kit that's perfect for both web developers and designers. It is fully responsive and comes equipped with the latest graphic tools, allowing you to create projects faster and more efficiently. The bundle even includes three example pages to help get you started. Additionally, every component used in the kit is well-documented, and the documentation is included in the package for your convenience. Components like buttons, input fields, navigation bars, tables, tabs, and pills are all elegantly styled and fully customizable. With Lazy Kit, you can easily create your project and enjoy the process of designing and developing.

Lazy Kit Template features

Lazy Kit is a comprehensive design system and free Bootstrap 4 UI kit that's perfect for both web developers and designers.


Lazy Kit template has a fully responsive layout with valid and clean HTML5 and CSS3 code. It has HTML tables formatted in CSS, well-designed Charts, smooth animations on Scroll, icon font support, pricing table section, retina ready design, and also performance optimized and cross Browser compatible layouts.

▪ Tables
▪ Charts
▪ Form elements
▪ Animations
▪ Icons
▪ Pricing table
▪ Retina ready
▪ Colorful design
▪ Flat design
▪ Responsive design
Szabolcs Bakos UI/UX designer

This template is reviewed by Szabolcs Bakos. I am a freelance Web (UI/UX) designer.
You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or My website.

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