Art Studio - Free Minimalist Bootstrap Portfolio Website Template

Art Studio Free HTML template

Art Studio emerges as a complimentary Bootstrap template, tailored for crafting responsive portfolio websites. Designed with the latest trends in mind, this template exudes a trendy and minimalistic charm, ideal for digital agencies showcasing their portfolios. Its captivating dark aesthetics, coupled with an elegant design, promises to captivate visitors' attention and leave a lasting impact. Crafted using contemporary technologies such as HTML5 and CSS3, Art Studio guarantees full responsiveness and flawless compatibility with all major browsers. Notably, Art Studio comes equipped with carefully curated features like a dynamic portfolio grid, engaging hover effects, compelling call-to-action buttons, and a functional contact form, all packaged within its confines. Importantly, Art Studio's adaptability is a standout feature, allowing you to infuse your unique style at any point. The theme's versatility extends to its "out-of-the-box" usability, making it equally suitable for immediate deployment. In summary, Art Studio serves as the perfect foundation to ignite your project, setting it on a path of success.

Art Studio Template features

Art Studio emerges as a complimentary Bootstrap template, tailored for crafting responsive portfolio websites.


Art Studio template has a fully responsive layout with valid and clean HTML5 and CSS3 code. It has gallery section for photos, icon font support, retina ready design, and also performance optimized and cross Browser compatible layouts.

▪ Gallery
▪ Icons
▪ Retina ready
▪ Big header
▪ Dark design
▪ Minimal design
▪ Responsive design
Szabolcs Bakos UI/UX designer

This template is reviewed by Szabolcs Bakos. I am a freelance Web (UI/UX) designer.
You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or My website.

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