Safs - Free Bootstrap One Page HTML and CSS Template

Safs Free HTML template

Safs is a one-page, free Bootstrap HTML5, CSS template designed for personal portfolios, ideal for web developers, web designers, graphic designers, or creative agencies. Leveraging the Bootstrap 4 framework, Safs ensures responsiveness, and its well-commented code makes customization a seamless experience, much like cutting through butter with a knife. Packed with the latest features and assets, including a hero header, typewriter text, skill bars, testimonial carousel, and fun fact counters, Safs provides a comprehensive toolkit. Additionally, it offers a working contact form and a single blog page as ready-made assets, saving valuable time. The beautifully animated portfolio grid with modal view adds an extra layer of sophistication to showcase your work. Start building your personal portfolio website with Safs.

Safs Template features

Safs is a one-page, free Bootstrap HTML5, CSS template designed for personal portfolios, ideal for web developers, web designers, graphic designers, or creative agencies.


Safs template has a fully responsive layout with valid and clean HTML5 and CSS3 code. It has smooth animations on Scroll, built in Contact Form, gallery section for photos, built in Lightbox javascript, icon font support, pricing table section, retina ready design, built in Slider section, sticky header on scrolling, and also performance optimized and cross Browser compatible layouts.

▪ Form elements
▪ Animations
▪ Contact Form
▪ Gallery
▪ Lightbox
▪ Icons
▪ Pricing table
▪ Retina ready
▪ Slider
▪ Sticky header
▪ Big footer
▪ Big header
▪ Card style design
▪ Flat design
▪ Responsive design
Szabolcs Bakos UI/UX designer

This template is reviewed by Szabolcs Bakos. I am a freelance Web (UI/UX) designer.
You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or My website.

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